Maanasa, Amy, and Topaz
Welcome to my page! I hope it becomes a useful corner of the internet for you. I don't really ever stop talking about hamsters, so if that interests you, please stick around!
Just me and the hams
If you don't know already, my name is Maanasa, and I'm just a little bit obsessed with hamsters... ;) Almost two years ago I created an Instagram account to share what I had learned about hamster care, and to post pictures of my floofy pride and joy, my dwarf hybrid Amy. Since then, a lot has changed! I now have over a thousand beautiful humans and hams that follow me, I adopted my second hamster Topaz (she's on the right over there!), I've collaborated with my local shelter to update their care guides, I've released countless care posts, and I've made a ton of hamster-loving friends! I hope that Amy, Topaz, and I are able to inspire you to continue on the journey of learning about hamster care, we'd love to have you :)